Recording Studio
Wild Wave Studio  Ballinloghig  Ballydavid  Dingle  V92 C793    066 912 2074   087 0681381




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About Us

Mixing Mastering
We Offer
 Session musicians 
 Rehearsal Space 
To see prices Click here

Vocals and instruments are the bedrock for your project and Wild Wave Studio has an acoustically designed main room and a separate mixing room and rock solid equipment to ensure that the very best quality is captured.

We work closely with you using cutting edge technology to create the sound you want and bring out the best in your music.

Chris has worked closely with many artists producing and arranging projects for professional release. Production is a collaborative affair between the musicians and the final sound.

The main room is large enough for a five piece band to perform in and you can make as much noise as you like long into the night. Regular slots are important for working bands and we ensure this is there when you need it.

various top grade musicians are available should your project require them

Instruments, drums, amps, synths and all studio equipment, are all included in the costs


we can offer stunning video content and art work to go with your projects.